Renewal, Restoration and Faithfulness
The past year, 2020, has been one for the history books! You know who else had some really bad years? The Israelites did. They endured slavery, captivity and many other atrocities, but as we read through the Bible we see a constant theme of renewing of the mind, restoration of the spirit and an almighty creator God who is always faithful. The name Elkanah comes from Elohiem meaning God and quana which can mean acquired, provided or woven together. God acquired Camp Elkanah decades ago, provides for all camp needs and is using this pandemic to weave together a camp ministry future that I’m sure is better than we can even imagine. While the struggles of our past year pale in comparison to what the ancient Israelites endured, we can learn from their example in that they trusted that even in the worst of circumstances God would provide for them. Throughout scripture we find reminders that when the physical world seems to be falling apart we should not lose heart because our spirit will be renewed and His mercies will be new every morning. We have certainly seen the Lord’s faithfulness in providing for camp throughout the past year.
Camp has been blessed this year by volunteers who offered their time and services to help with many camp projects. We have had people serve at camp by cleaning the kitchen, sewing curtains, maintaining the grounds, installing electrical outlets, fixing broken pipes, painting murals, updating signs, getting old equipment running again and so much more. For all of this we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has given of their time over the past year! Camp might have been closed for most of 2020 but it continued to be repaired and renewed through your gift of service.
For 2021 we are looking forward to hosting guests and campers again and seeing the relationships that are established and nurtured by gathering together. Our whole staff has been busy figuring out how to facilitate camp programming which might look a little different but will still be a whole lot of fun. Keep an eye on our camp webpage and social media for future events that we hope will offer individuals and families opportunities for renewal of the mind and restoration of the soul.
In this coming year may we be filled with joy and peace, overflowing with hope, and have the strength and endurance to use Camp Elkanah to show the love of Christ and build God’s kingdom.