The Waiting Game

This edition of the Elkanah Express written by Kaitlin, our Guest Services and Programming Coordinator.


Now that we have put 2020 behind us, the year 2021 feels like a scary version of the waiting game, waiting to see what the year will bring?  At Camp Elkanah, we are learning to be patient as we wait for God’s direction and blessings to be revealed.  We are instructed in Romans to do three specific things while we are waiting, be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation, and persistent in prayer.  Our camp staff spent the month of January writing grants, that if obtained will help us make some huge upgrades to the property, we are hopeful that we will be able to offer overnight summer camps for kids this year, and we are filled with joy at the opportunity to host a marriage retreat valentines weekend.  

There is so much to be joyful and hope for at Camp Elkanah!  With that said, we are learning patience as we wait to find out every two weeks to see what the county COVID risk level is, as we wait for important zoom meetings that will give us guidance about youth camps, and as we wait to find out if we will receive the grant funding we have applied for. Throughout all of the hope and waiting we know that we can turn to prayer and talk to our Lord about all things, but not only should we say one prayer, no we are to persistently pray. 

Join us in praying continuously as we navigate the next few months, making some big decisions about what summer 2021 will look like.  Pray that the grant approval team would see our desire to serve local youth and provide us the funding needed to better serve all kids and guests when they are at camp.  We are waiting in anticipation and excitement for what 2021 will bring because we know that in due season we will reap if we do not give up.

(PS  The valentines marriage retreat is almost full and the registration deadline is this Friday so sign-up soon)

Kaitlin Gustafson


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Renewal, Restoration and Faithfulness