Spring Forward

This month our Program Coordinator, Kaitlin, anticipates the excitement of spring and summer at Elkanah.

Spring forward!  Reset your clocks! It’s what we humans do every March here in NE Oregon and in much of the US. This year it happens on March 12th and with it comes excitement for the spring season, the anticipation of longer days, and a chance for new growth.  March at Camp Elkanah often feels less like a little spring forward and more like sprinting toward a cliff and taking a leap of faith into the busy season.  As we head towards the hustle and all the chaos that will inevitably happen I find myself focusing, or more accurately clinging, to the Psalm, Be still and know that I am God.  

So how exactly is one supposed to “Be Still”  when you find yourself jumping into the unknown that is outdoor school and summer camp?  Every good jump, whether it is off a platform while bungee jumping, off a ski jump at the mountain, or even off the top of the rock wall at camp, starts with a big deep breath to center yourself and prepare for what lies ahead. There is a stillness and calm that can be found before and during the forward jump, when we quiet our own intentions and intentionally fix our minds on Jesus.

What comes after the big jump? We know! We have a parachute! Be still and know that I am God! That exclamation point found there at the end in most Bible translations is especially important when it comes to camp ministry.  As we run into battle, as we jump off into another week with campers, as we meet new staff, we don’t sit quietly, instead, we enthusiastically and constantly remind ourselves that we know! We know who holds our past, present, and future!  We serve a God who loves us, Creator of the Universe, Alpha and Omega, Loving Father, and everything else that I don’t have enough words to describe.  

Be still and know that I am God is only half of Psalm 46:10.  The rest tells us that God will be exalted among the nations, God will be exalted in all the Earth!  And this is the whole point of summer camp and everything we do at Camp Elkanah, it is our destination. It means that the Holy Spirit’s constant presence is our daily reality. We know that no matter what happens God will be exalted.  If the power goes out, if campers get sick, if staff argue, if the food delivery is late or any other catastrophe happens, we know that God will be exalted.  

Would you pray for us?  Pray that our year-round staff will be able to joyfully spring forward as they ready the facilities, train seasonal staff and prepare to host hundreds of campers. Pray that in the midst of all the hurry, we would intentionally be still and know.  Pray that our summer staff would know that no matter what happens, they are enough, they were made for such a time as this, and that God will be exalted during the 2023 summer camp sessions. Pray that this spring and summer all of Camp Elkanah will be renewed, that hope will be found and that love will be poured out on every single camper as they seek after the One who is love. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.

Kaitlin (aka Momentum)


Camp math…


The path…